Track Ticket

Request a Repair

To track your ticket click on the link below!

Track Ticket

Thank you for submitting your form!

We appreciate your interest and will review your information as soon as possible.

Our team is dedicated to providing excellent customer service, and we will do our best to respond promptly.


Test Ride Details:


Driver's Information



Compliance Checklist

Note: If any of the above steps are not completed, the Sales Consultant is not authorized to proceed with the test ride.


Test Ride Disclaimer
(to be read and acknowledged by the customer and the parent/guardian if the driver is a minor)

I, the participant, acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in a test ride of an electric vehicle provided by Tas Electric Vehicles. I understand that there are inherent risks associated with riding an electric vehicle, including but not limited to the risk of injury or death. I agree to wear the provided Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at all times during the test ride. I confirm that I have no impediments that prevent me from driving the vehicle.

I hereby release and discharge Tas Electric Vehicles, its employees, and agents from any and all liability for any injury, loss, or damage that may occur during the test ride. I understand that I am responsible for any damage to the electric vehicle that occurs during the test ride.

For Minors: As the parent or legal guardian of the minor named above, I acknowledge and accept the risks associated with the test ride on behalf of the minor. I agree to the terms of this disclaimer and consent to the minor's participation in the test ride.

By clicking "Acknowledge and Submit," I confirm that in my capacity as the driver or parent/guardian, I have read and agree to the terms of this disclaimer.


Submission and Record Keeping

The form will be electronically submitted and a copy will be sent to the customer's email for their records.

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